Note: 个人整理,并非知识点的完全复制,只供个人记忆;由于笔者就读于英文班,故部分术语使用英文方便理解;必然有很多拼写错误,请宽恕喵。
- demand curve, supply curve: x-price
- budget set
- good1's opportunity cost
- 两个商品价格上升相同倍数相当于收入减少对应倍数
- refer to numeraire price
- multiply all price/income with a positive number, choice of the consumer can't change
taxes / subsidies / rationing
- quantity tax/subsidy--higher/lower price
- value tax/subsidy--
- rationing(配给)--预算集被砍掉一块
- strictly preferred:
- indifferent:
- weakly prefers:
- + =
- + ! =
axioms of consumer prefence
- Complete: 要么 ,要么 ,要么
- Reflexive: 任何消费束至少跟自己一样好
- Transitive: 传递性,懒得写了( )
- 要是能做出最佳选择,偏好必须服从传递性公理
- perfect substitutes: 斜率为负的直线
- perfect complements:
- bads
- neutral good
- Satiation
- discrete goods
etc about preference
- well-behaved preferences:
- 满足:complete, reflective, transistive, 弱单调性,凸性
- 无差异曲线要是负的
- 消费束是凸集(convex preference)
- strict convexity: 无偏好曲线没有平坦的部分
- MRS: 无差异曲线的斜率。
- 交换率不等于边际替代率时,消费者总想用一种商品去交换另一种商品
- 若 则 MRS 为人们为了得到商品1的一个边际量而愿意放弃的货币数
- 人们为了得到商品1的一个边际量的额外消费而愿意支付的商品2的数量
- utility function--ordinal utility
- positive monotonic transformation of a utility function is a utility function that represents the same preferences as the original utility function
- perfect substtitutes:
- perfect complements:
- quasilinear prefenences: (效用对 是线性的,对 不是)
- Cobb-Douglas prefenences: standard example of indifference curves
- 是偏导
- optimal choice: boundary optimum/interior optimum
- for convex preference point that satisfies the tangency condition must be an optimal point
- interior potimum:
- perfect substitutes
- perfect complements(),
- neutrals and bads:
- discrete goods: 比较每个消费束的效用
- concave preferences: 最优选择是边界选择
- cobb-douglas preferences: 最优选择 ,
- 征收相同数量的税收的条件下,income tax is definitely superior to the quantity tax(对一个消费者,消费者的收入不会变化,忽略了供给对课税的反应)
- normal good:
- inferior good: (极端贫困的人收入增多可能会消费更多的低档商品)
- luxury good: demand for good goes up by a greater proportion than income
- necessary good: demand for good goes up by a lesser proportion than income
- ordinary good: demand for a good increase when its price decreases
- giffen good: demand for a good decrease when its price decreases
- giffen good must be inferior good, while inferior good may not be giffen good
- (gross)substitude:
- (gross)complement:
- income offer curve: 收入变化时,连接一系列的需求束,
- engel curve: (收入变化)
- demand curve: (价格变化)
- perfect substitutes:
- income change
- price change
- perfect complements:
- income change
- price change
- cobb-douglas preferences:
- homothetic preferences: if consumer prefers to , for any positive value of t, the consumer prefer to
- perfect substitutes, perfect complements, cobb-douglas are all homothetic preferences
- quasilinear preferences:
- demand curve: fixed and (is inverse or not depends on different point of view, 取决于谁是自变量)
- inverse demand function measures how many dollars the consumer is willing to give up for a little more good 1
revealed preference
- 显示偏好:如果在某一价格下面,消费者选择 而不是 购买,那么 显示偏好于 --- 若消费者总能在他能购买的消费束中选择他最偏好的,那么有
- directly/indirectly revealed preferred
- Weak Axiom of Revealed Preference(WARP): 直接显示偏好
- Strong Axiom of Revealed Preference(SARP): 直接+间接显示偏好
- 若选择满足SARP,那么就总有可能找到满足最优化行为的偏好
- SARP 是使能观察到的选择与消费者选择的经济模型相一致的充分必要条件
- Index
- base period time